Saturday, March 05, 2005

Washington Post takes on Judge Boyle

On Thursday, the Washington Post published Judges May Be Vetted for Mainstream Values, which discussed among others the nomination of District Judge Terrence Boyle to the Fourth Circuit.

The article notes that Judge Boyle has been "trying to win promotion" to the Fourth Circuit for 14 years. The article says that the Fourth Circuit "is considered perhaps the nation's most conservative appellate court." The article cites critics who claim that "the appeals courts have overturned more than 150 of his decisions." The article says the Senate Democrats are deciding whether to add Judge Boyle to the list of their targeted appeals court nominees, which they call "outside the political mainstream" and therefore plan to filibuster.

In other circumstances, you'd think would be evidence of liberality, if the Fourth Circuit is so conservative, and so often disagrees with Judge Boyle.

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